Today, things are difficult. Nothing makes sense like it used to. How come what worked before no longer works today. I will explain to you why and show you how to be happy again!
After a lifetime of doing things and going to uncomfortable places, I am infatuated with motivating people to be their ultimate selves! I’ve learned to tap into the hearts of people by being myself, sharing my pain through stories of overcoming impossible odds, negativity, and self-doubt to motivate you.
We all have passions. It’s life’s events that have held us back. I will teach you and motivate you to let go of your insecurities, ignore your fears, and not let anything stop you.
Contact me for your next virtual or in-person event.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence like chatGPT is everywhere, but what is it? How does it help you? How can you benefit from it?
The answers are simple to understand and explain, no matter the industry or audience. I will explain what role you and your company can take to be AI leaders in your industry.
Globally, I’ve been explaining the art of creating AI strategies to executives, investors, and university students for years. My storytelling is customized for everyone I speak to emphasizing which companies have been successful with AI, why not to hesitate leveraging AI like chatGPT and discuss future trends that will shape the future of your business?
Everyone needs to be comfortable with AI and how it can benefit them or disrupt them. The time to benefit is now.
Contact me for your next virtual or in-person event.
Disruptive Innovation
Are you ready to unlock the secrets of disruptive innovation? Do you want to transform your organization and yourself into a powerhouse of innovation? My experience in storytelling will share strategies that create innovation and innovation teams.
Innovation is no longer a luxury; it‘s a necessity for thriving in today‘s competitive landscape!
As the Nordic CTO and Innovation Officer at Cognizant and an expert in Disruptive Innovation with experience as the Nordic Director of Innovation for IBM and the former Director of Innovation for the Norwegian Tax Authorities, I‘ve seen firsthand that innovation isn‘t accidental. It‘s deliberate. It’s a cultivated art form that requires experience, investment and commitment.
Contact me to create inspiring innovation at your event.